Friday, January 4, 2013

God exists in every living being. . .

We go to temples, worship the idols, bathing them with milk, honey, curd, water, showering fresh flowers and with this we all believe that we have made God happy. We give exchange offers to God; God please let my exam get cleared and i will keep fasts, will come barefoot to temple, will bathe you with 1 ltr milk, will offer 50kg ladoos in the temple, will offer a gold coin….

Do you think, we can buy God’s grace by the materialistic things? Do you think this is why He has created us? We are blinded by the shine of our wealth….we believe that rich people have more God’s grace as they can afford more donations which will make God happy.

We are in a “habit” of believing all that exists physically and that’s why we worship idols. We touch their feet, stick vermilion to them, and offer currencies according to our status. We want God to exist physically; whom we can see and worship. We are addicted to the sightedness of our eyes. We believe only what is visible to us.

Its good that you keep fast (fasting a day in a week improves your metabolism). But offer that day’s meal to someone in need. You bathe idols with litres of milk which drown in the sewage. Instead offer some portion to a dog/cat which will satisfy its hunger. It would give more reward than draining the milk in sewer.  Offer a part of your generosity and not the wealth. A morsel of food given to a hungry person would be more generous than throwing it in the bin. Sharing your love and care with a child who is deprived of it, would give long lasting satisfaction to your soul than giving a 10Rs note to the same child who would foolishly spend it on his momentary pleasures.

God exists in oneself. Worship your body, keep it clean. Do not spoil the divine gift (your birth) with the maliciousness of the society. Do not be God-fearing and get entangled in the business of religion. Some impostors encash your fears in the name of religion. They demand donations in the name of yagnas/poojas to solve your problems, to caste away evil from your life. But this is all rubbish. When you face adversity in your life, you tend to lose control over your mind. Your fear starts overpowering your conscious. This fear makes you weak and prone to every religious solution that is offered to you. Stay calm and believe in your God. He would never be happy in spoiling your life. You are His child. Believe in Him.

Get the God’s grace through meditation. You have to sit alone for some time and try to connect to your soul. The God is inside you. No one can hold your finger and take you to Him. You have to cover this distance yourself. Once you enter the God’s arena, you will be mesmerised by His magical world. You will learn self-actualisation. You will be able to define the purpose of your life. You will get the “true wisdom”!!


P.S- “I am not against Hindu religion or any religion for that matter. What I believe is, every religion is equal and states one thing that God exists in every living being.”